1.18.2 / (Addon) Firmalife / Cheese



Making cheese in Firmalife is a little more involved than in vanilla TFC. There are two new kinds of milk: Yak Milk, and Goat Milk. These are obtained from milking the Yak and Goat, respectively. Milking the Cow still produces the old kind of milk.

Like usual, milk must be curdled first. To curdle milk, you need Rennet. Rennet comes from the stomach of Ruminant animals. This includes Yaks, Cows, Sheep, Goats, and Musk Oxen. To curdle milk, seal it in a Barrel with Rennet for 4 hours.


Curdled milk must be converted to Curds by sealing it in a barrel with Cheesecloth. Cheesecloth is not reusable.

You are ready to make Dry Cheese if you wish. You can make Rajya Metok from Yak Curds, Chevre from Goat Curds, and Cheddar from Milk Curds.

Your other option is to make Wet Cheeses. These are made by sealing the curds in a barrel of Salt Water. You can make Shosha from Yak Curds, Feta from Goat Curds, and Gouda from Milk Curds.

Cheese wheels are blocks that should be placed in order to help them last. To improve their quality and shelf life, cheese wheels should be Aged in a Cellar. In order to obtain edible cheese from a cheese wheel, it should be sliced off the wheel by clicking Right Click with a Knife. If the block is simply broken, the aging is lost!


The aging stages of a wheel of Gouda: Fresh, Aged, and Vintage.