1.18.2 / (Addon) Firmalife / Planters


Planters are used to grow crops inside a Greenhouse. To see the status of a planter, you can look at it while holding a Hoe. Crops in planters consume Nutrients in a similar way to Crops. Planters should be placed inside a valid Greenhouse and activated with a Climate Station. Planters need at least some natural sunlight to work.

Planters must be Watered to grow. This is done with a Watering Can, crafted from a Wooden Bucket, a container of Water and Lumber. Press Right Click with it to water nearby planters. Refill it by pressing Right Click on a water source.

Large Planters are the most simple kind of planter. They grow a single crop from seed, and are harvested with Right Click when mature.

Large Planters can grow Green Beans, Tomatoes, Sugarcane, Jute, and Grains. However, to grow Grains, you need a Copper or better Greenhouse.

Quad Planters grow four individual crops at once. These crops all draw from the same nutrient pool, and can be harvested individually with Right Click when mature.

Quad Planters can grow Beets, Cabbage, Carrots, Garlic, Onions, Potatoes, and Soybeans. These crops can be grown in any greenhouse type.

Bonsai Planters grow small fruit trees from their saplings. The fruit can be picked with Right Click.

Bonsai Planters can grow any fruit tree type, except Bananas, which need a Hanging Planter. They all consume Nitrogen as their main nutrient. They need an Iron or better greenhouse to grow.

Hanging Planters grow crops upside down. When mature, they can be harvested with Right Click.

Hanging Planters grow Squash, from their seeds, and Bananas, from their saplings. Squash can be grown in any greenhouse, but Bananas require an Iron or better greenhouse to grow. Hanging planters need to anchor to a solid block above them.

Trellis Planters grow berry bushes. Berries can be picked with Right Click.

Trellis Planters have the unique property of propagating berry bushes. If a trellis planter is placed on top of another, and the one below has a mature berry bush, it has a chance to grow upwards into the next one. Trellis planters can grow any berry bush except Cranberries, but require an Iron or better greenhouse to work. Bushes prefer Nitrogen.


Hydroponic Planters grow rice and cranberry bushes. They work the same as a quad planter, except that they do not need to be watered. Instead, a Nutritive Vat must be placed below them. Without the vat they will not grow.

Recipe: firmalife:crafting/nutritive_basin

Nutritive basins must be filled with water, using Right Click.