1.18.2 / (Addon) Firmalife / Chocolate



Chocolate-making takes a few processing steps, for not much of a reward. It's important to remember, when playing Firmalife, that being a chocolatier is for your personal enjoyment and pleasure, rather than for trying to extract maximum value from any given input.

To start chocolate processing, cocoa beans must first be roasted in an Oven to make Roasted Cocoa Beans. Then, craft the roasted beans with a Knife to split the beans into Cocoa Powder and Cocoa Powder.

The Mixing Bowl is used to mix cocoa powder, butter, and sweetener (sugar or honey) to make Chocolate Blends. The ratio of cocoa butter to powder determines what comes out:

  • 1 Powder, 1 Butter, 1 Sweetener: Milk Chocolate
  • 2 Powder, 1 Sweetener: Dark Chocolate
  • 2 Butter, 1 Sweetener: White Chocolate