1.18.2 / (Addon) Firmalife / Oven Appliances

Oven Appliances

Ovens have a number of devices that interact with them, that extend their functionality. This is because ovens are modular in nature.

The Oven Hopper will input logs into any Bottom Oven that it is facing. It holds 16 logs (4 stacks of 4, like a log pile), and its inventory is fed by dropping items in the top. It can also be fed via automation from other mods.

The Ashtray collects Wood Ash when placed below a Bottom Oven Block. There is a 0.5 chance it gains ash when fuel is consumed. Ash is extracted with Right Click and inserted via attacking it.

Recipe: firmalife:crafting/vat

The Vat produces some select boiling recipes in bulk. It has one slot for items, and 10,000mB of fluid space, similar to a barrel.

For example, the vat can be used to make Olive Oil Water using a ratio of 1 Olive Paste to 200 mB Water. To use a vat, Right Click it with fluids and items to add them to the inventory. With an empty hand and Shift held, click to seal and unseal the vat. A vat will not boil until it is sealed.

Vats should be placed on the block above a Bottom Oven. If the vat would overflow on completion of the recipe, it will not boil, so be sure not to overfill it -- especially with recipes that produce more fluid than they consume!


Pots and Grills from TFC can be placed on top of a Bottom Oven. These devices will get heat automatically from the bottom oven. They come with a couple restrictions: Each has only 4 slots, and the pot is only used for making soup. It cannot execute regular pot recipes.