1.18.2 / (Addon) Firmalife / Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel and Chromium are Steel-tier metals added by Firmalife. They are used in the construction of Stainless Steel Greenhouses.

Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel


  • 20 - 30 % : Chromium
  • 10 - 20 % : Nickel
  • 60 - 80 % : Steel

Small Chromite
Small Chromite

Chromite is an ore that is melted to obtain Chromium. It is found in Igneous Intrusive and Metamorphic rocks.

All Chromium Rocks

  • Granite
  • Diorite
  • Gabbro
  • Slate
  • Phyllite
  • Schist
  • Gneiss
  • Marble