Animal HusbandryAnimal Husbandry

Livestock are animals that can be tamed and bred by the player. Livestock can be either male or female. For some animals, it is possible to tell their sex visually. For example, male pigs have tusks.

Livestock experience aging. They are born as babies, which are smaller and cannot provide things for the player. After a certain number of days, they grow into adult animals, which are able to do things like breed or produce milk. After they breed or are used enough times, animals become old, and are only useful for their meat.


This bull is old and cannot breed, so it has a faded coat and grey, unseeing eyes.

Livestock can be fed to raise familiarity. Each animal has foods that it prefers to eat. To feed an animal, Shift and Right Click with food in your hand.


Livestock have a Familiarity Indicator that shows how familiar they are with you. Hold Shift and look at the animal to reveal it.


Familiarity decays a little each day if not fed. Raising the familiarity enough prevents decay, indicated by the white outlined heart.


Adult livestock cannot be fully familiarized, indicated by the red outlined heart. Babies can reach 100% familiarity.

Mammals are livestock that experience Pregnancy. Adult mammals that are above 30% familiarity and have been fed that day will mate, given that they are of opposite genders and near each other. The female animal will become pregnant, which causes it to have children a set number of days after fertilization.
An example is Pigs.

Wooly Animals are Mammals that can be Sheared if they are adults and familiar enough to you. Some examples are Sheep, Alpacas, and Musk Oxen.

Dairy Animals are mammals that make Milk. Female dairy animals can be clicked with a bucket to obtain milk. Some examples are Goats, Cows, and Yaks.

Nest Box

Oviparous Animals are not Mammals, and instead produce children by laying Eggs. They need a Nest Box to lay eggs, which they are capable of locating on their own.
Some examples are Ducks, Quails, and Chickens.


Eggs can be cooked or boiled for food. Male oviparous animals can fertilize females, which causes the next egg laid in the nest box to be fertilized. Fertilized eggs will have a tooltip with how long until they are ready to hatch.

Recipe: tfc:leather_knapping/saddle

Equines are Mammals that can be ridden when tamed. They become rideable after reaching 15% familiarity.

They need a Saddle to ride, which can be Knapped. This includes Mules, Donkeys, and Horses. Mules and Donkeys can hold any chest or barrel. If holding a barrel, Right Click while holding Shift can be used to remove it. The same keys while holding a bucket can be used to drain fluid from the barrel.

The next few pages will go over all livestock types.


Pigs spawn in mild forests with temperature between -10 and 35°C, and at least 200mm of rainfall. They are Mammals with no special abilities. They will eat any food, even if it is rotten. They have 1-10 children, are pregnant for just 19 days, and reach adulthood in 80 days. They can have children 6 times.

A pig.


Cows spawn in most climates, between temperature -10 and 35°C, and at least 250mm of rainfall. They are Dairy Animals. They only eat grains, which may be rotten. They can have 1-2 children, are pregnant for 58 days, and reach adulthood in 192 days. They can have children 13 times, if they are never milked, or be milked 128 times, if they are never bred. They produce milk every day.

A cow.


Goats spawn in moderate climates, with temperature between -12 and 25°C, and at least 300mm of rainfall. They are Dairy Animals. They eat grains, fruits, and vegetables, which may be rotten. They can have 1-2 children, are pregnant for 32 days, and reach adulthood in 96 days. They can have children 6 times if they are never milked, or be milked 60 times if they are never bred. They produce milk every 3 days.

A goat.


Yaks spawn in cold climates, with temperature of at most -11°C, and at least 100mm of rainfall. They are Dairy Animals. They eat only fresh grains. They always have 1 child, are pregnant for 64 days, and reach adulthood in 180 days. They can have children 23 times, if they are never milked, or be milked 230 times, if they are never bred. They produce milk once a day.

A yak.


Alpacas spawn in moderate climates, with temperature between -8 and 20°C, and at least 250mm of rainfall. They are Wooly Animals. They eat grains and fruits. They have 1-2 children, are pregnant for 36 days, and reach adulthood in 98 days. They can have children 13 times, if they are never sheared, or be sheared 128 times, if they are never bred. They grow wool every 6 days.

An alpaca.


Sheep spawn in drier climates, with temperature between 0 and 35°C, and between 70 and 300mm of rainfall. They are Wooly Animals. They eat grains. They have 1-2 children, are pregnant for 32 days, and reach adulthood in 56 days. They can have children 6 times, if they are never sheared, or be sheared 60 times, if they are never bred. They grow wool every 9 days.

A sheep.

Musk Ox

Musk Oxen spawn in cold climates, with temperature between -25 and 0°C, and at least 100mm of rainfall. They are Wooly Animals. They eat grains. They always have 1 child, are pregnant for 64 days, and reach adulthood in 168 days. They can have children 16 times, if they are never sheared, or be sheared 160 times if they are never bred. They grow wool every 96 hours.

A musk ox.


Chickens spawn in warm forests, with temperature of at least 14°C, and at least 225mm of rainfall. They are Oviparous Animals. They eat grains, fruits, vegetables, and seeds, which can be rotten. Their eggs hatch in 8 days, and become adults in 24 days. They can lay eggs 100 times. They produce eggs every 30 hours.

A chicken.


Ducks spawn in most plains, with temperature between -25 and 30°C, and at least 100mm of rainfall. They are Oviparous Animals. They eat grains, fruits, vegetables, bread, and seeds. Their eggs hatch in 8 days, and become adults in 32 days. They can lay eggs 72 times. They produce eggs every 32 hours.

A duck.


Quails spawn in colder climates, with temperature between -15 and 15°C, and at least 200mm of rainfall. They are Oviparous Animals. They eat grains, fruits, vegetables, and seeds, which can be rotten. Their eggs hatch in 8 days, and become adults in 22 days. They can lay eggs 48 times. They produce eggs every 28 hours.

A quail.


Donkeys spawn in wetter plains, with temperature of at least -15°C, and between 130 and 400mm of rainfall. They are a kind of Equine that can carry a chest. They eat grains and fruits. They have 1 child, are pregnant for 19 days, and reach adulthood in 80 days. They can have children 6 times.

A donkey.


Mules spawn in plains with temperature of at least -15°C, and between 130 and 400mm of rainfall. They are a kind of Equine that can carry a chest and are the always-male product of a horse and a donkey. They eat grains and fruits. They reach adulthood in 80 days.

A mule.


Horses spawn in plains with temperature of at least -15°C, and between 130 and 400mm of rainfall. They are a kind of Equine. They eat grains and fruits. They have 1 child, are pregnant for 19 days, and reach adulthood in 80 days. They can have children 6 times.

A horse.