1.18.2 / Advanced Mechanics / Bread



Bread is the processed form of the various grain crops, such as Barley. Breaking a grain crop drops a raw, unprocessed grain item, which is not useful on its own. It must be processed into Bread, which can then be eaten or used in Sandwiches.

First, cut the straw off of the food with a Knife.

Rye Grain
Rye Grain

Grains are the longest-lasting stage of the process, decaying much slower than most foods. On its own, a fresh piece of grain lasts 10 months and 7 days. In a small vessel, it lasts 1 year, 9 months, and 7 days.

Grain must then be ground in a Quern to make flour.


Dough is crafted by adding a bucket of Fresh Water to flour.


Dough is then able to be heated to make bread. At this point it can also be used in Sandwiches.