
Armor provides protection against attacks from predators and monsters. The quality of armor scales with the tier of the Metal, with Leather being the weakest and Colored Steels being the strongest.

Recipe: tfc:leather_knapping/chestplate

Leather armor is Knapped from Leather. It does not last long, but provides some decent protection if you have a full suit.

Tier I

Metal Armor requires multiple processing steps in an Anvil. First, an unfinished armor piece must be smithed. These require a Double Sheet of the metal, except for boots which require a single sheet.

Recipe: tfc:welding/bismuth_bronze_greaves

Next, a Sheet must be Welded to the armor piece to finish it. Chestplates require a Double Sheet to be finished.

Armor that is of the same tier but different metals may be subtly different. These are expressed in durability, as well as Damage Resistances. In order of increasing durability, the bronzes are ranked Bismuth Bronze, regular Bronze, and then Black Bronze. For colored steels, Red Steel lasts longer than Blue Steel.

Steel armor also provides benefits such as Toughness and Knockback Resistance. Regular Steel has 1 toughness, Black Steel has 2 toughness, and the Colored Steels have 3 toughness. Black Steel has 5% knockback resistance, whereas the Colored Steels have 10%.