1.18.2 / Advanced Mechanics / Panning



Panning is a method of obtaining small pieces of certain native ores by searching in rivers and other waterways.

Panning makes use of Ore Deposits which are found in gravel patches in the bottom of lakes and rivers.

In order to get started panning, you will need an empty pan.

Recipe: tfc:clay_knapping/pan

Clay can be knapped into a pan as shown above.

Yellow White****

Once the pan has been knapped, it needs to be fired to create a Ceramic Pan.

The next thing you will need to find is some sort of Ore Deposit. Ore deposits can come in several different ores: Native Copper, Native Silver, Native Gold, and Cassiterite.

Block Visualization

A native gold deposit in some slate.

Then you can begin panning!

1. With the pan in hand, use it on the ore deposit block.

2. While standing in water with the pan in your hand, hold down Right Click and you will start panning.

3. After a few moments, if you are lucky, you may be rewarded with a small piece of ore in your inventory.

Products of Panning

Panning can give three possible products: Ore, Loose Rocks, and Gems. The probabilities are as follows:

  • Ore: 50%%
  • Loose Rock: 25%%
  • Gem: 1%%Each rock type has a specific gem that it will drop, that is exclusive to that rock type.