1.20.1 / 심화 기술 / 괴철로



The Bloomery is a device used to smelt Iron Ore into Iron Blooms which can be worked into Wrought Iron. The iron ores are Hematite, Limonite, and Magnetite. These ores melt into Cast Iron rather than Wrought Iron. All iron-bearing items melt into Cast Iron. To turn them into usable iron, the bloomery is needed. Any iron item can be used in the bloomery, including iron tools and cast iron ingots!

The bloomery is made from 8 Bronze Double Sheets.


멀티블록: tfc:bloomery

최소 크기의 괴철로. 괴철로는 오른쪽 버튼을 눌러 여닫을 수 있습니다.

The bloomery can contain up to a maximum of 48 Inputs, with 16 of each item per layer of the chimney. To add layers to the chimney, stack up two more layers of stone blocks.

To add items to the bloomery, climb up to the top and throw items inside. A tower of grey ore should form.


괴철로에 아이템을 추가하기.

The bloomery consumes 2 Charcoal, and 100 mB of Cast Iron to produce one Bloom. After filling the bloomery with a combination of Charcoal and Ore, light the bloomery block, and wait 15 hours for the bloomery to smelt. When the bloomery shuts off, it leaves behind a Bloom block. This contains Raw Iron Blooms which can be obtained by mining the Bloom repeatedly with a pickaxe.

괴철 블록
Block Visualization

A large Bloom.

티어 II

괴철모루에서 단조하여 제련된 괴철을 만들 수 있습니다.

티어 II

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참고 사항

  • 괴철로 안에 최대 용량 이상의 아이템이 들어온다면 괴철로 앞으로 아이템이 튀어나갑니다.
  • 켜지지 않은 괴철로에서 아이템을 회수하려면 돌 블록 굴뚝을 부수지 말고, 괴철로 블록을 부수세요.
  • 괴철을 녹인다고 해서 연철이 되지 않으며, 그냥 주철이 됩니다. 연철을 얻으려면 꼭 단조해야 합니다!