1.20.1 / 심화 기술 / Pumps



Steel Pumps and Steel Pipes are blocks useful for transporting fluids, such as Water, Salt Water, and Spring Water. They can also be used to move source blocks, and fill small enclosed areas. Unlike Aqueducts, they can also be used to transport source blocks upwards.


티어 IV

The steel pipe can be crafted from, predictably, Steel, on an Anvil. A Steel Pump can be crafted from some Steel Pipes, and Brass Mechanisms.

In order to operate the pump, you will also need a Crankshaft, and a source of Mechanical Power:

  • The pump must be connected on the bottom to a pipe.

  • On the narrow side, the pump must be adjacent to the business end of a Crankshaft.
  • The pump can reach up to 16 blocks. The end of the pipe must be submerged in the target fluid, and adjacent to a source fluid block.
  • If the crankshaft is active, fluid will be brought up and appear on the wide end of the Pump.
  • The pump can fill an enclosed area up to 32 blocks with source blocks.