北極熊只在最寒冷的地區出現, 也就是溫度10°C以下, 並且降雨量至少100mm的地區.
棕熊在氣候溫和的森林中生活, 它需要-15到15°C的溫度, 並且至少200mm的降雨量.
黑熊在更溫暖溼潤的森林中生活, 它需要5到20°C溫度以及至少250mm的降雨量.
山獅喜歡最溫和的氣候, 它需要-10到21°C的溫度以及至少150mm的降雨量.
豹喜歡最溫和的氣候, 它需要-10到21°C的溫度以及至少150mm的降雨量.
獅子生活在平均溫度至少16°C, 並且降雨量為50-300mm的平原中.
The tiger spawns in forests with an average temperature of at least 13°C, and rainfall above 100mm.
劍齒虎在任何溫度高於0°C, 降雨量高於250mm的地方生成.
The wolf spawns at any temperature below 22°C, and rainfall between 150 and 420mm. They hunt in packs. Feeding a wolf enough times will tame it into a Dog.
The direwolf spawns at any temperature below freezing, and rainfall between 150 and 420mm. They hunt in packs. They are larger than regular wolves, and are not tamable.
The hyena spawns at any temperature warmer than 15°C, and rainfall between 80 and 380mm. They hunt in packs. They are not tamable.
The crocodile spawns near rivers, lakes, and marshes at any temperature warmer than 15°C, and at any rainfall. They are nocturnal, and most dangerous in the water.
The ocelot attacks small animals. It spawns at any temperature from 15 to 30°C, and rainfall between 300 and 500mm, in forests. Feeding an ocelot enough times will tame it into a Cat. Ocelots can eat raw fish
Ramming animals occasionally attempt to charge nearby creatures, including the player. Their attacks are powerful, but can be dodged. They will ram more frequently if attacked.
The moose spawns in forests at temperature below 10°C and above -15°C, and rainfall between 150 and 300mm.
The wildebeest spawns in open plains at any temperature above 13°C, and rainfall between 90 and 380mm.
狐狸喜歡從灌木中啃食莓果, 它可以在溫度低於25°C, 並且降雨量為130-400mm的森林中被發現.
The caribou spawns at any temperature below -9°C, and rainfall between 110 and 500mm.
The gazelle spawns in open plains at any temperature above 12°C, and rainfall between 90 and 380mm.
The bongo spawns in forests at any temperature above 15°C, and rainfall between 230 and 500mm.
The grouse spawns at any temperature below 13°C and above -12°C, and rainfall between 150 and 400mm.
The pheasant spawns in forests at any temperature below 17°C and above -5°C, and rainfall between 100 and 300mm.
The turkey spawns in forests at any temperature below 17°C and above 0°C, and rainfall between 250 and 450mm.
The peafowl spawns in forests at any temperature above 14°C, and rainfall between 190 and 500mm.
企鵝只在最寒冷的海灘上出現, 它需要低於-14°C的溫度和75mm以上的降雨量.
海龜喜歡溫暖的海洋, 它在溫度至少21°C並且降雨量至少250mm的海灘上出現.
鱈魚喜歡比較寒冷的海洋, 溫度需要低於18°C. 它可以被釣起來.
河豚生活在海里! 它需要溫度高於10°C的海洋.
等足蟲生活在海洋的更深處, 溫度需低於14°C.
小龍蝦很像等足蟲, 但是它生活在河流和湖泊中. 它需要至少5°C的溫度和至少125mm的降雨量.
鱟生活在氣候溫和的海洋中, 它需要10到21°C的溫度和低於400mm的降雨量 of at most 400mm.
逆戟鯨生活在深海, 它需要低於19°C的溫度以及至少100mm的降雨量.
海牛生活在溫暖的湖泊中, 它需要至少20°C的溫度以及低於300mm的降雨量.