1.20.1 / (Addon) Firmalife擴充套件模組 / 烤爐


Ovens are a great way of cooking lots of food in a way that improves their shelf life. Oven-baked food decays at 90% of the rate of regular food. Ovens are a multiblock structure consisting of a Bottom Oven, Top Oven, and optionally Chimneys. These blocks start off as clay, and must be Cured by raising their temperature to a certain amount for long enough.
Oven Appliances extend oven functionality.

Recipe: firmalife:clay_knapping/oven_top


Recipe: firmalife:clay_knapping/oven_bottom


Recipe: firmalife:clay_knapping/oven_chimney



烤爐用磚塊, 烤爐方塊, 或者任何能夠包裹一個木炭爐的方塊構成. 如果你想的話, 你甚至可以使用石塊.

烤爐鏟是從烤爐中取出炙熱物體的安全方式. 拿著烤爐鏟然後按右鍵就可以取出物品, 否則你會被燙到!

烤爐首先由烤爐底和上方的烤爐頂構成. 每一個烤爐方塊(底或頂)的每一個面都必須被其他方塊包裹, 就像上文提到的那樣. 你也可以選擇使用烤爐煙囪作為包裹. 在烤爐方塊的後方放置一個垂直的煙囪可以讓煙排出去, 如果你不這麼做, 煙就會很快填滿你的房子, 這是令人很不愉快的.



烤爐底用來放置燃料, 它只能是原木. 按右鍵來放入或取出物品. 烤爐底也是烤爐的一部分, 可以用起火器或其他工具點燃. 它把熱量傳遞到上方的烤爐頂.

烤爐頂用來放置被烤制的食物. 它會從烤爐底吸收熱量並且緩慢的流失熱量. 也就是說, 如果你的燃料燒完了, 烤爐頂仍然可以繼續烤制一段時間. 按右鍵就可以放入或取出物品. 記得使用烤爐鏟來取出炙熱的食物!

硬化烤爐方塊是很簡單的, 但是需要一點耐心. 只要正常的點燃你的烤爐底, 然後等待就可以了. 如果烤爐方塊連續80秒保持600度, 這個烤爐方塊和周圍的方塊就會硬化. 硬化的效果會一直向上傳導到煙囪.

Crafting oven insulation for your Bottom Oven allows you to remove the need for insulating it on the sides and back. It does not remove the need for the chimney. Use 右鍵 to apply it.

Countertops are aesthetic blocks that count as oven insulation, and have an appearance that matches that of oven blocks. They are a nice aesthetic choice for your kitchen.

Ovens also have Finishes that can be used to change their appearance. These finishes are applied to the basic brick stage of the oven (or brick blocks themselves), and are cosmetic. Finishes can be mixed and matched. They are applied with 右鍵.

配方: firmalife:crafting/rustic_finish