Beehives are a place to house bees. Beehives need Beehive Frames inside them for the bees to live. Removing frames from an active hive will cause the bees to attack you, unless done at night, or with a Firepit underneath the hive active. Beehives can share flowers. The benefit of flowers diminishes after 60 flowers.
Beehives know about the area in a 5 block radius from them. If there are at least 10 flowers around the hive, there is a chance an empty frame will be populated with a Queen. This is indicated by bee particles flying around the hive. Having 4 empty frames in a hive greatly increases the chances of bees moving in.
如果一個蜂箱有兩個帶蜂王的巢脾, 加上一個空的巢脾, 它們就有可能配種並在空的巢脾上產生一個新的蜂王. 新的蜂王會繼承它的祖先的能力. 能力是蜜蜂擁有的一些不同特點, 這決定了它們如何影響周圍的環境. 這些能力有1-10的等級, 其中10是最大的.
Bees also produce Honey. Using 右鍵 with an Empty Jar on a hive that visibly has honey gives you a Honey Jar. Opening a Honey Jar gives you Raw Honey, a Sugar substitute.
在物品欄有刀的情況下, 手持一個滿的巢脾按右鍵可以獲得有用的蜂蠟. 注意, 這個操作會殺死巢脾中的蜂王!
Bees with high Mutant ability have a chance of developing a Genetic Disease. Diseased bees pass on their disease to their offspring, and don't produce honey.