1.20.1 / Розширена механіка / Виготовлення паперу

Виготовлення паперу

Виготовлення паперу

Paper is either made from the processed stalk of the Papyrus crop, or from Animal Hides. Paper is useful for written materials like Books and Maps.


Спочатку, папірус потрібно розрізати на смужки за допомогою ножа.

8000 Ticks


Далі, просочені смужки папірусу треба сплести разом на ткацькому верстаті та отримати сирий папір. Його необхідно покласти на колоду та пошкребти для отримання паперу.

Flip to the next page for information on papermaking via the parchment process.


Parchment Paper starts with a scraped hide. Review the leather making chapter to learn how to make it. Parchment requires treatment with a few different items. First, Pumice is needed. Pumice is found on the ground near Volcanoes, or from Sluicing or Panning ore deposits with Andesite, Rhyolite, or Dacite in them.



A Pumice rock placed on the ground.


Crafting pumice, a hammer, and scraped hide gives sections of Treated Hide.


Treated hide, lime powder, flour, and a fresh egg will complete the treatment process and yield usable paper.