Muitas variedades diferentes de frutas selvagens podem ser encontradas crescendo no mundo. Estes podem ser coletados para serem consumidos ou cultivados, com o equipamento certo. Estes podem ser encontrados em diferentes variedades de arbustos ou árvores. Em geral, frutas podem ser encontradas em três tipos de plantas: Árvores frutiferas, Tall Bushes, e Small Bushes.
Todas as plantas de frutificação têm um ciclo de vida comum. Eles vão crescer, formar flores, brotar frutas e depois ficarem adormecidos em um ciclo anual.
As plantas de frutas são sazonais. Durante a temporada fria, essas plantas parecerão marrom e sem vida. Na primavera, eles se tornam verdes e saudáveis, preparando-se para produzir frutas e crescer. Os momentos exatos que isso acontece varia de acordo com a fruta. Plantas de frutas também podem morrer: da velhice e de condições climáticas impróprias.
Árvores frutiferas Cresça de pequenas mudas em árvores grandes e florescentes. Os galhos das árvores frutíferas são seu coração e crescerão enquanto as condições climáticas estiverem certas. À medida que as árvores frutíferas amadurecem, elas crescerão folhas todos os seus galhos. As folhas podem florescer e frutas, dependendo da estação.
Uma árvore frutífera típica.
Árvores frutíferas começam em Mudas. As mudas só começarão a crescer, colocando sua primeira peça da árvore, se não for a estação adormecida para essa fruta. O tamanho da árvore acabado é pouco determinado por quantos mudas estão no bloco de mudas original. Mais mudas significa uma árvore maior.
Mais mudas podem ser adicionadas a um único bloco através Splicing. Para ceder uma muda em outro, apenas Right Click nele enquanto segurava um muda e um Faca na sua mão.
To get saplings from a fruit tree, break the 'elbow' blocks (branch blocks that are attached to a block on one side and above) tree with an Axe. Saplings can also be placed on these 'elbow' sections, if they are not too high up in the tree. This allows one fruit tree to grow multiple fruits. Harvesting fruit is done with Right Click when the leaf block is bearing fruit. This will give one fruit, and revert the plant back to its growing stage, until it goes dormant for the winter.
Temperature: 5 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 100 - 350mm
Cherry trees grow in the months of January through March, start flowering in April and May, and bear fruit in June.
An example cherry tree.
Temperature: 1 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 110 - 280mm
Green apple trees grow from March to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.
An example green apple tree.
Temperature: 10 - 30 °C
Rainfall: 180 - 470mm
Lemon trees grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.
An example lemon tree.
Temperature: 5 - 30 °C
Rainfall: 150 - 500mm
Olive trees grow from March to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.
Olives can be used to produce Olive Oil, which can be used as a fuel for lamps.
An example olive tree.
Temperature: 15 - 36 °C
Rainfall: 250 - 500mm
Orange trees grow from March to June, start flowering in July and August, and bear fruit in September.
An example orange tree.
Temperature: 4 - 27 °C
Rainfall: 60 - 230mm
Peach trees grow from December to March, start flowering in April and May, and bear fruit in June.
An example peach tree.
Temperature: 15 - 31 °C
Rainfall: 250 - 400mm
Plum trees grow from January to April, start flowering in May and June, and bear fruit in July.
An example plum tree.
Temperature: 1 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 100 - 280mm
Red Apple trees grow from March to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.
An example red apple tree.
Temperature: 17 - 35 °C
Rainfall: 280 - 500mm
Bananas are a special kind of fruit tree. They grow only vertically, lack leaves, and only fruit at the topmost block. Saplings are dropped from the flowering part of the plant. Once a banana plant is harvested, it dies, and will not produce any more fruit. It must be replanted in the spring.
An example banana tree.
Tall Bushes são blocos de frutas capazes de crescer em todas as direções e se espalhar. Eles fazem isso crescendo diretamente para cima, até três altos ou colocando canes No lado deles, que pode amadurecer em blocos cheios de arbusto. Depois de um tempo, os arbustos pararão de se espalhar e alcançarão a maturidade. A colheita desses arbustos com uma ferramenta nítida tem a chance de soltar um novo arbusto. Os arbustos que estão totalmente maduros sempre caem.
A wild tall bush.
Tall bushes são capazes de se espalhar quando seus bastões têm um lugar para se enraizar. Praticamente, isso significa que eles precisam de um bloco sólido sob eles para colocar um novo arbusto. Fornecer uma área plana e aberta livre de grama ou outros detritos oferece a melhor chance de crescer.
Arbustos, ao contrário das árvores frutíferas, levam em consideração os blocos de água circundantes para determinar seus Hidratação, Ao contrário das árvores frutíferas, que só se preocupam com as chuvas.
Qualquer bloco de arbusto completo pode cultivar bagas, que são colhidas com Right Click.
Temperature: 7 - 24 °C
Rainfall: 24 - 100mm
Blackberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.
They can be found in areas with few trees.
An example blackberry bush.
Temperature: 5 - 25 °C
Rainfall: 24 - 100mm
Raspberry bushes grow from April to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.
They can be found in areas with few trees.
An example raspberry bush.
Temperature: 7 - 29 °C
Rainfall: 12 - 100mm
Blueberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.
They can be found in areas with few trees.
An example blueberry bush.
Temperature: 10 - 33 °C
Rainfall: 12 - 100mm
Elderberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June and July, and bear fruit in August.
They can be found in areas with few trees.
An example elderberry bush.
Small Bushes are a kind of low lying fruit block that spawns in forests. Small bushes occasionally will spread to surrounding blocks, if there aren't too many other bushes nearby.
Small bushes will go through three sizes, and when grown, they are harvested just with Right Click.
Three different sizes of a healthy small bush
Temperature: 15 - 35 °C
Hydration: 24 - 100 %
Bunchberry bushes grow from May to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.
They can be found in forests.
The monthly stages of a bunchberry bush.
Temperature: 5 - 27 °C
Hydration: 24 - 100 %
Gooseberry bushes grow from April to July, start flowering in August and September, and bear fruit in October.
They can be found in forests.
The monthly stages of a gooseberry bush.
Temperature: -7 - 18 °C
Hydration: 24 - 100 %
Snowberry bushes grow from March to June, start flowering in July and August, and bear fruit in September.
They can be found in forests.
The monthly stages of a snowberry bush.
Temperature: -2 - 17 °C
Hydration: 9 - 100 %
Cloudberry bushes grow from February to May, start flowering in June to August, and bear fruit in September.
They can be found in forests.
The monthly stages of a cloudberry bush.
Temperature: 5 - 28 °C
Hydration: 12 - 100 %
Strawberry bushes grow from October to December, start flowering in January and February, and bear fruit in March.
They can be found in forests.
The monthly stages of a strawberry bush.
Temperature: -6 - 17 °C
Hydration: 12 - 100 %
Wintergreen berry bushes grow from May to September, start flowering in October and November, and bear fruit in December.
They can be found in forests.
The monthly stages of a wintergreen berry bush.
Temperature: -5 - 17 °C
Hydration: 30 - 100 %
Cranberry bushes grow from March to June, start flowering in July and August, and bear fruit in September.
They can be found in forests. Unlike most small bushes, cranberry bushes are grown underwater.
The monthly stages of a cranberry bush.