1.18.2 / The World / Geology



The world of TerraFirmaCraft is formed by the movement of plate tectonics, and some of that is still visible in the ground around you. By pressing E, and clicking on the Climate tab, the current tectonic area will be listed under Region. There are several regions that will influence what kinds of biomes and features are present in the area.

Below is a list of the different types of regions, and their primary features

The tectonic plate under most oceans, mostly covered with normal and deep Oceans.

Low Altitude Continental
One of three main continental areas. Low altitude biomes such as Lowlands, Low Canyons, or Plains are common.

Mid Altitude Continental
A mid elevation continental area, can contain many biomes and usually borders low or high altitude continental areas.

High Altitude Continental
A high altitude area with Rolling Hills, Plateaus, and Old Mountains.

Mid-Ocean Ridge
A mid ocean ridge forms when two oceanic plates diverge away from each other.

It can generate rare volcanism and some volcanic mountains.

Oceanic Subduction
A subduction zone is where one plate slips under the other. In the ocean, this can form lots of volcanic mountains, island chains, and deep ocean ridges.

Continental Subduction
A continental subduction zone is an area of frequent volcanic activity, and huge coastal mountains. Active hot springs and volcanoes are common.

Continental Rift
A continental rift is the site where two continents diverge, like Iceland. It is the location of Canyons biomes, and shorter less active volcanoes, along with some other high altitude biomes.

Orogenic Belt
An Orogeny is the site of major mountain building. It forms where two continental plates collide and produces tall Mountains and Plateaus.

Continental Shelf
Finally, a continental shelf is a section of shallow ocean off the coast of a continent. It is where coral reefs appear in warmer climates.

Rock Layers

The world is also divided up into different types of Rock. Rock regions can be over a kilometer across, and there will usually be two or three different rock layers under your feet at all times. As different ores are found in different rock types, locating specific rock types can be very important for finding resources such as Ores, which will often only appear in certain rock types.

Rocks come in four categories: Sedimentary, Metamorphic, Igneous Extrusive, and Igneous Intrusive. These categories determine at what depth the different rock layers can be found. A listing of all the different rock types and what category they belong to can be found on the following pages.


Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation or deposition of mineral or organic particles. They can be found in mid to high altitude rock layers. They are:

  • Shale
  • Claystone
  • Limestone
  • Conglomerate
  • Dolomite
  • Chert
  • Chalk

Metamorphic rocks are created by a process called metamorphism. They can be found at any elevation. They are:

  • Quartzite
  • Slate
  • Phyllite
  • Schist
  • Gneiss
  • Marble
Igneous Extrusive

Igneous Extrusive rocks are formed from magma cooling on the Earth's surface. They can be found at mid to high altitude rock layers. They are:

  • Rhyolite
  • Basalt
  • Andesite
  • Dacite
Igneous Intrusive

Igneous Intrusive rocks are formed from magma which cooled under the Earth's crust. They can be found at mid to low altitude rock layers. They are:

  • Granite
  • Diorite
  • Gabbro