
Vanilla Reference for Features

Features are small decorations that modify individual chunks, based on the biome present in that chunk. In TFC, features are all added to biomes via the use of Biome Tags, which means that they can also be added to biomes via the use of these tags.

TFC adds the following features:


Cave Spike

This places a single cave spike, either 2, 3 or 4 blocks tall, either from the ceiling or floor. It uses the rock type of the current position.

  • Type: tfc:cave_spike
  • Config: None

Large Cave Spike

This places a large cave spike, which can be up to 5 blocks wide and 16 blocks tall. It uses the rock type of the current position.

  • Type: tfc:large_cave_spike
  • Config: None

Thin Spike

This places a thin spike like block (calcite or iceicles), in a small cluster around a given location.

  • Type: tfc:thin_spike
  • Config:
    • state: A Lenient Blockstate of the state to place. Must be a thin spike block.
    • radius: A integer in the range [1, 16]. The radius around the target location to place spikes in.
    • tries: A positive integer. The number of attempts to place spikes.
    • min_height: A positive integer. The minimum height of a spike.
    • max_height: A positive integer greater than or equal to min_height. The maximum height of a spike.

Cave Vegetation

A feature that places cobwebs, additional uniformly distributed random block replacements, and water springs.

  • Type: tfc:cave_vegetation
  • Config:

Ice Cave

A feature that places ice in various formations within caves.

  • Type: tfc:ice_cave
  • Config: None


A feature that generates a simplified version of vanilla’s Geode, a cracked sphere. The sphere has an outer and middle block, and then a replacement map for the inner blocks.



This creates small winding depressions that travel down slopes. The rivulet state is inset two blocks underneath the surface, with one block cleared above. It is what forms the magma trails on volcanoes.

  • Type: tfc:rivulet
  • Config:


This creates a winding one block wide fissure, filled with a given fluid, down from a given location.

  • Type: tfc:fissure
  • Config:
    • wall_state: An optional Lenient Blockstate. The state used for the wall blocks of the fissure. If not present, will use the rock type of the lowest rock layer.
    • fluid_state: A Lenient Blockstate. The fluid state to fill the fissure with, can be air.
    • count: An optional integer (Default: 5). The number of fissures to place.
    • radius: An optional integer (Default: 12). The radius around the target position to try and place fissures in.
    • min_depth: An optional Vertical Anchor.
    • min_pieces: An optional positive integer (Default: 10).
    • max_pieces: An optional positive integer (Default: 24).
    • max_piece_length: An optional positive integer (Default: 6).
    • decoration. An fissure decoration object with the following properties:
      • blocks: A Block Replacement Map. The additional ‘decoration’ ore veins that should spawn around the fissure.
      • rarity: A positive integer. The rarity that blocks should be replaced with decoration ore states.
      • radius: A positive integer. The radius around the fissure that blocks should be replaced.
      • count: A positive integer. The number of blocks that should be replaced with decoration ore states. Actual amount will be count / rarity.

Hot Spring

This creates a hot spring, with additional winding fissures underneath, filled with a given fluid.

  • Type: tfc:hot_spring
  • Config:
    • wall_state: An optional Lenient Blockstate, which the hot spring is built from. If omitted, the lowest rock layer rock will be used instead.
    • fluid_state: A Lenient Blockstate to fill the fissure with. Can be air.
    • radius: An optional integer in the range [1, 16]. The approximate radius of the hot spring.
    • decoration: An optional Fissure Decoration object.

Flood Fill Lake

A lake that fills existing terrain locally with a fluid.

  • Type: tfc:flood_fill_lake
  • Config:
    • state: A Lenient Blockstate to fill the lake area with.
    • replace_fluids: A string array. A list of fluids that can be replaced by this lake.
    • overfill: An optional boolean (Default: false). If the lake should attempt to fill upwards from the starting position as well as downwards.


A copy of the vanilla spring feature.

  • Type: tfc:spring
  • Config: See the configuration for minecraft:spring.



Places a large boulder, shaped like a deformed sphere.

  • Type: tfc:boulder
  • Config:

Branching Cactus

Places a kind of branching cactus (eg. the Saguaro)

  • Type: tfc:branching_cactus
  • Config:
    • block: A branching cactus block.

Loose Rock

Places a loose rock on the ground based on the rock type at the position.

  • Type: tfc:loose_rock
  • Config: None

Soil Disc

Places a disc of blocks. Typically used for soil replacements like clay, but can be used for anything.

  • Type: tfc:soil_disc
  • Config:
    • states: A Key Value List with the following fields:
    • min_radius: A positive integer specifying the minimum horizontal radius of the disc.
    • max_radius: A positive integer specifying the maximum horizontal radius of the disc.
    • height: An integer [0, 256] specifying how tall the disc should be.
    • integrity: A float [0, 1] (Default: 1.0) specifying the probability any given block in the disc will place. If 1.0, it will always place.


A modified version of vanilla’s iceberg feature to use salt water.

  • Type: tfc:iceberg
  • Config:
    • state: The main block of the iceberg.

Powder Snow

Places a disc of a block, replacing anything with the tfc:powder_snow_replaceable Block Tag

  • Type: tfc:powder_snow
  • Config:
    • state: The block to place.

Weeping Vines

Places a cluster of long plants hanging down from leaves, logs, or stone.

  • Type: tfc:weeping_vines
  • Config:
    • body: A Lenient Blockstate representing the main block of the vine.
    • head A Lenient Blockstate representing the tip of the vine.
    • tries: An integer [1, 128] specifying how many times a vine placement should be attempted.
    • radius: An integer [1, 16] specifying how far the cluster of vines should spread.
    • min_height: An integer [1, 100] specifying the minimum length of a vine that should be placed.
    • max_height: An integer [1, 100] specifying the maximum length of a vine that should be placed.

Twisting Vines

The same as Weeping Vines, but it places plants that grow up from the ground.

Creeping Plant

Places a cylinder of creeping plants on any block it is able to.

  • Type: tfc:creeping_plant
  • Config:
    • block: A block id of a creeping plant.
    • radius: The radius of the cylinder.
    • height: The height of the cylinder.
    • integrity: A float [0, 1] (Default: 1.0) specifying for any given block the chance it will be placed. If 1.0, all will try to place.

Epiphyte Plant

Tries to place an epiphyte up to 12 blocks in the air from the position the feature is placed.

  • Type: tfc:epiphyte_plant
  • Config:
    • block: The block id of an epiphyte plant.


The same as Twisting Vines, but built to only place underwater plants on the sea floor.

Kelp Tree

Places a cluster of tree kelp.

  • Type: tfc:kelp_tree
  • Config:
    • block: A block that is a kind of kelp tree flower, which will be forcibly grown into a kelp tree.

Emergent Plant

Places an emergent plant, with the bottom half of the block submerged and the top not submerged.

  • Type: tfc:emergent_plant
  • Config:
    • block: A tall water plant block to be placed.

Tall Plant

Places a two block high plant block.

  • Type: tfc:tall_plant
  • Config:
    • block: A tall plant block, to be placed.

Tall Wild Crop

Places a two block high wild crop block.

  • Type: tfc:tall_wild_crop
  • Config:
    • block: A tall wild crop block to be placed.

Spreading Bush

Places a spreading bush, with some growth already completed.

  • Type: tfc:spreading_bush
  • Config:
    • block: A spreading bush block to be grown.

Tide Pool

Places a small tide pool similar to vanilla’s basalt deltas (but made of water). Use the tag tfc:tide_pool_blocks to add blocks that can spawn waterlogged in the water pools.

  • Type; tfc:tide_pool
  • Config: None

Block With Fluid

Places a block, attempting to fill it with the fluid at the position it finds. If the block cannot contain the fluid, nothing is placed.

  • Type: tfc:block_with_fluid
  • Config:
    • to_place: A fully specified blockstate (see Lenient Blockstate for what that looks like)

Coral Claw

Places a coral claw, like vanilla, for TFC salt water oceans and corals.

  • Type: tfc:coral_claw
  • Config: None

Coral Mushroom

Places a coral mushroom feature, like vanilla, for TFC salt water oceans and corals.

  • Type: tfc:coral_mushroom
  • Config: None

Coral Tree

Places a coral tree feature, like vanilla, but for TFC salt water oceans and corals.

  • Type: tfc:coral_tree
  • Config: None


Places a single vine block. The vine block must be in the style of vanilla vines.

  • Type: tfc:vine
  • Config:
    • state: A fully defined blockstate.

Fruit Trees

Locates a position for and places a fruit tree, fully grown.

  • Type: tfc:fruit_trees
  • Config:


Places a fully grown banana plant.

  • Type: tfc:bananas
  • Config:



Traverses a chunk, either removing blocks or supporting them with hardened stone if it seems that they might fall when the chunk is loaded.

  • Type: tfc:erosion
  • Config: None

Ice and Snow

Conducts an initial climate update on the surface, adding ice and snow when appropriate.

  • Type: tfc:ice_and_snow
  • Config: None


This places all features in a list at the current position.

  • Type: tfc:multiple
  • Config:
    • features: A string array of configured feature ids to place.

If Then

Attempts to place the first feature, and if that succeeds, places the second feature.

  • Type: tfc:if_then
  • Config:
    • if: A placed feature id, that will always try to place.
    • then: The placed feature id, that will only place if the first feature places.

Noisy Multiple

Similar to Multiple, except that only two of the provided features will be placed. The list of features is cycled through depending on the position in the world. If a feature is invalid at a position, it is skipped. The result is smooth transitions between different features.

  • Type: tfc:noisy_multiple
  • Config:
    • features: A string array of configured feature ids to place.

Dynamic Random Patch

This feature is identical to vanilla’s random patch feature, but limits the amount of tries (the amount of times the given feature will attempt to place) based on forest type and elevation.

  • Type: tfc:dynamic_random_patch
  • Config:
    • feature: A placed feature id to be placed.
    • xz_spread: A positive Integer (Default: 7), how far away laterally it will place the feature.
    • y_spread: A positive Integer (Default: 3), how far up and down it will place the feature.
    • tries: The maximum amount of attempts to place this feature under perfect conditions. This feature dynamically limits this amount.