This page details all the world generation tags TFC adds. For generic tags, see Tags.

Biome Tags

Tag Id Function
tfc:is_lake All lake biomes, including underground lakes.
tfc:is_river All river biomes, including underground rivers.
tfc:is_volcanic All volcanic biomes.

Configured Feature Tags

Tag Id Function
tfc:forest_trees A list of all tree entries which are used by the tfc:forest feature. These features are not generated directly, rather their configurations are used by the forest feature to determine what trees to actually place.

Placed Feature Tags

Tag Id Function
tfc:feature/berry_bushes All berry bush patch features.
tfc:feature/boulders All boulder features.
tfc:feature/clay_indicators All clay indicator plant features.
tfc:feature/corals All coral features.
tfc:feature/crops All crop patch features.
tfc:feature/forest_plants All plants that are placed within biomes that support forests.
tfc:feature/fruit_trees All fruit tree features.
tfc:feature/icebergs All iceberg features.
tfc:feature/land_plants All plants that are placed within biomes that support any type of land.
tfc:feature/ocean_decorations All features that are ocean specific decoration.
tfc:feature/ocean_plants All plant features that are ocean specific.
tfc:feature/ore_deposits All ore deposits - the smaller gravel ores that are found in rivers and lakes.
tfc:feature/shore_decorations All features that are shore specific decoration.
tfc:feature/soil_discs All standard soil discs, including clay, peat, and powder snow.
tfc:feature/surface_grasses A tag used by the tfc:surface_grass feature to select one or two grasses to generate in a given area.
tfc:feature/volcanoes All features generated in volcanic biomes.
tfc:in_biome/all_lakes All lake features, including those in tfc:in_biome/underground_lakes.
tfc:in_biome/erosion A tag which just contains the tfc:erosion feature.
tfc:in_biome/strongholds Empty.
tfc:in_biome/surface_structures Empty.
tfc:in_biome/top_layer_modification Features placed in the top layer modification step.
tfc:in_biome/underground_decoration Features placed in the underground decoration step.
tfc:in_biome/underground_lakes Only underground lake features.
tfc:in_biome/underground_structures Features placed in the underground structures step.
tfc:in_biome/veins Features placed in the ore veins step.
tfc:in_biome/large_features/<biome> Where <biome> is the registry name of a TFC biome, the features placed in that biome in the large features step.
tfc:in_biome/soil_discs/<biome> Where <biome> is the registry name of a TFC biome, the features placed in that biome in the soil discs step.
tfc:in_biome/surface_decoration/<biome> Where <biome> is the registry name of a TFC biome, the features placed in that biome in the surface decoration step.