
Vanilla Reference for Placement Modifiers / Decorators

Note that historically, Placement Modifiers / Placed Features were called Decorators, and TFC still refers to the two interchangeably. TFC adds the following placement modifier types, for use in placed features:


This is an extension of the vanilla minecraft:biome_filter decorator, but which respects the way TFC features are used in biomes (via tags). This exists to fix an unfortunate bug in Forge in 1.18.

  • Type: tfc:biome

Carving Mask

This is an extension of the vanilla carving mask decorator, but with additional constraints on y level. It is used for large spikes to restrict them to a maximum y level.

  • Type: tfc:carving_mask
  • Config:
    • min_y: An optional Vertical Anchor, the minimum allowed y value for this to spawn at.
    • max_y: An optional Vertical Anchor, the maximum allowed y value for this to spawn at.
    • probability: A float in the range [0, 1], the probability this will spawn at any given position.
    • step: The carving stage to use. Must be either air or liquid.


This decorator will conditionally place a feature based on specific climate properties. All config values are optional, and if omitted will allow all positions. This is used in clay deposits to restrict them based on minimum rainfall.

The typical range for yearly average temperatures is -25 to +30 C. Rainfall values can vary between 0 mm and 500 mm.

  • Type: tfc:climate
  • Config:
    • min_temperature is an optional float representing the minimum allowed average yearly temperature.
    • max_temperature is an optional float representing the maximum allowed average yearly temperature.
    • min_rainfall is an optional float representing the minimum allowed rainfall.
    • max_rainfall is an optional float representing the maximum allowed rainfall.
    • min_forest is an optional Forest Type representing the minimum required forest density.
    • max_forest is an optional Forest Type representing the maximum required forest density.
    • fuzzy is an optional boolean (Default: false). If true, the temperature and rainfall requirements will be probabilistic relative to the center point, with maximum density at the exact center, and zero density at the edges.

Flat Enough

This decorator will check an area around the initial position for solid blocks. If it’s not found, it will attempt to move lower down, until the max depth is reached (and then the position is thrown out), or enough solid blocks are found. This is used by TFC’s boulders feature, and is why they can be set into the ground.

  • Type: tfc:flat_enough
  • Config:
    • flatness is an optional float (Default: 0.5), in the range [0, 1]. It describes the how many solid blocks, as a percentage the surrounding area must contain.
    • radius is an optional positive integer (Default: 2), which is the radius around the initial position that the area is checked for solid blocks.
    • max_depth is an optional positive integer (Default: 4), which is how deep from the original position the decorator should try and search.

Near Water

This decorator will conditionally place a feature if there is water within a radius in the x and z directions, and within [-radius, 0] in the y direction. Water is checked against the fluid tag minecraft:water. It is used to create near-water clay deposits.

  • Type: tfc:near_water
  • Config:
    • radius: An integer representing the distance to search for water.

On Top

This decorator checks the block below for a predicate, and passes if that predicate passes.

  • Type: tfc:on_top
  • Config:
    • predicate: A vanilla Block Predicate.

Shallow Water

This decorator checks that the water is not too deep at a location.

  • Type: tfc:shallow_water
  • Config:
    • max_depth: An optional integer (Default: 5), specifying the max depth of the water.


This decorator passes if the position is below the world surface level.

  • Type: tfc:underground
  • Config: None


This decorator places things near, or at, volcanoes.

  • Type: tfc:volcano
  • Config:
    • center: A boolean. If true, this decorator will ignore the distance argument and place the feature at the exact center of any volcanoes.
    • distance: A float in the range [0, 1], representing the distance from the center of a volcano that this position must be in order to generate. 1 is the maximum radius of the volcano.

Structure Chunk Data Placement

This decorator should not be used with features, but with structures. This provides a means to restrict TFC structures by climate. Note that structures added with this placement do not show up with the /locate command. It has the following parameters:

  • type: tfc:chunk_data
  • climate: A Climate Decorator object
  • random_name A string random name for seeding the random, eg. my_structure
  • placement: The placement object to delegate to.
    • type: This is either minecraft:random_spread or minecraft:concentric_rings. Each has a set of its own parameters that go on the same level as type.

Note that in 1.18, structure generation via json was half-baked and experimental. Some things work weirdly. It’s worth looking at examples from other mods for help. An example structure set is below:

  "structures": [
      // this is a configured structure feature
      "structure": "tfc:mineshaft",
      "weight": 1
  "placement": {
    "type": "tfc:chunk_data",
    "random_name": "mineshaft",
    "climate": {
      "max_temperature": 0,
      "min_rainfall": 100
    "placement": {
      "type": "minecraft:random_spread",
      "salt": 1182022,
      "spacing": 8,
      "separation": 4