
This page details all the tags that TFC adds, and uses for various functions. These have been separated out into Block Tags, Fluid Tags, and Item Tags.

Block Tags

Tag Id Function
tfc:can_trigger_collapse Blocks which when mined will search a nearby area for potential blocks that can start a collapse.
tfc:can_start_collapse Blocks which can form the epicenter of a collapse. Without a start, a collapse cannot occur.
tfc:can_collapse Blocks which, once a collapse has started, can collapse as part of the destruction. Must also have a valid Collapse Recipe defined for this block.
tfc:can_landslide Blocks which can landslide to below or adjacent blocks, and are affected by gravity. Must also have a valid Landslide Recipe defined for this block.
tfc:supports_landslide Blocks which are not full blocks, but count as full blocks when determining if an adjacent block might support a block against landsliding. Blocks cannot landslide when they are supported on at least two sides.
tfc:toughness_1 Blocks which are defined to have toughness 1 (Default for blocks without any tag is 0). Falling blocks are able to break non solid blocks with a equal or lesser toughness than the falling block.
tfc:toughness_2 Blocks which are defined to have toughness 2 (Default for blocks without any tag is 0). Falling blocks are able to break non solid blocks with a equal or lesser toughness than the falling block.
tfc:toughness_3 Blocks which are defined to have toughness 3 (Default for blocks without any tag is 0). Falling blocks are able to break non solid blocks with a equal or lesser toughness than the falling block.
tfc:tree_grows_on Blocks which a tree is able to spawn on, during world generation.
tfc:bush_plantable_on Blocks which many plants, including bushes, fruit trees, and seasonal plants are able to spawn on, during world generation.
tfc:single_block_replaceable Single blocks which can be replaced during world generation by other features, such as single block plants or grasses.
tfc:sea_bush_plantable_on Blocks which many underwater plants are able to spawn on, during world generation.
tfc:creeping_plantable_on Blocks which creeping plants are able to spawn on, during world generation.
tfc:thatch_bed_thatch Blocks which count as valid thatch blocks when trying to make a thatch bed.
tfc:can_be_snow_piled Blocks which can be hidden by snow formation. Can include both single blocks and two-tall plant blocks.
tfc:can_be_ice_piled Blocks which can be hidden by ice formation. Can include both blocks in the ice and immediately above (i.e. lily pads)
tfc:breaks_when_isolated When surrounded on all sides by air blocks, this will pop off as an item upon being updated.
tfc:lit_by_dropped_torch Blocks which, when a torch item entity is dropped on them, might start a fire atop them,
tfc:charcoal_cover_whitelist Blocks that are automatically considered valid cover blocks by a charcoal pit.
tfc:forge_insulation Blocks which serve as the five external insulation blocks of a forge.
tfc:forge_invisible_whitelist Blocks that the forge will treat like air for the purposes of finding their chimney, for example crucibles
tfc:bloomery_insulation Blocks that can be used in the bloomery`s main structure.
tfc:blast_furnace_insulation Blocks that can be used in the blast furnace`s main structure.
tfc:scraping_surface Blocks which can act as a flat surface for a Scraping Recipe to be performed on.
tfc:can_carve Blocks that can be replaced by things like caves and ravines during world generation.
tfc:logs_that_log Log blocks which can be felled as trees, using TFC`s tree chopping functionality.
tfc:needs_stone_tool Blocks that need a stone tool to mine.
tfc:needs_copper_tool Blocks that need a copper tool to mine.
tfc:needs_bronze_tool Blocks that need a bronze tool to mine.
tfc:needs_wrought_iron_tool Blocks that need a wrought iron tool to mine.
tfc:needs_steel_tool Blocks that need a steel tool to mine.
tfc:needs_black_steel_tool Blocks that need a black steel tool to mine.
tfc:needs_colored_steel_tool Blocks that need a red or blue steel tool to mine.
tfc:prospectable Blocks which can be found with the prospectors pick. When found, they will display a message with the translation key <block translation key>.prospected.
tfc:converts_to_humus Blocks that, when covered in snow and melted in the spring, get replaced with a humus block.
tfc:wild_crop_grows_on Blocks that wild crops can be placed or found on
tfc:farmland Farmland blocks. Used in some checks for block placement.
tfc:powder_snow_replaceable Blocks that can be replaced by patches of powder snow during worldgen.
tfc:creates_upward_bubbles Blocks that create upward bubble columns above them when placed. Note that this tag alone is not enough to cause this functionality, this is only for pre-existing blocks.
tfc:creates_downward_bubbles Blocks that create downward bubble columns.
tfc:rabbit_raidable Blocks that rabbits will attempt to destroy
tfc:fox_raidable Blocks that foxes will attempt to eat berries off of. This only applies to blocks that function like TFC berry bushes.

Fluid Tags

Tag Id Function
tfc:mixable Fluids that will mix together if they come in contact in the world.
tfc:hydrating Fluids that hydrate farmland, berry bushes, and other growing things
tfc:scribing_ink Fluids that can be used in the scribing table.
tfc:usable_in_pot Fluids that can be in a firepit’s pot
tfc:usable_in_jug Fluids that can be in a jug
tfc:usable_in_wooden_bucket Fluids that can be in a wooden bucket.
tfc:usable_in_red_steel_bucket Fluids that can be in a red steel bucket.
tfc:usable_in_blue_steel_bucket Fluids that can be in a blue steel bucket.
tfc:usable_in_barrel Fluids that can be in a barrel.
tfc:usable_in_sluice Fluids that can flow through a sluice.
tfc:usable_in_ingot_mold Fluids that can be placed in a ingot mold. (In TFC, all molten metals)
tfc:usable_in_tool_head_mold Fluids that can be placed in a tool head mold. (In TFC, only tool metals)

Item Tags

Tag Id Function
tfc:thatch_bed_hides Items which when right clicked on two #tfc:thatch_bed_thatch blocks, will form a thatch bed.
tfc:firepit_kindling Items which are valid kindling for creating a Firepit with a fire starter. More kindling increases the chance of success.
tfc:firepit_sticks Items which are valid sticks for creating a Firepit with a fire starter. A firepit requires three sticks to be created.
tfc:firepit_logs Items which are valid logs for creating a Firepit with a fire starter. A firepit require one log, which will be immediately inserted as the first Fuel item of the Firepit.
tfc:starts_fires_with_durability Items which when right clicked, can start fires at the cost of durability like Flint and Steel. These items can then be used on most light-able TFC devices (firepit, forge, etc.).
tfc:starts_fires_with_items Items which when right clicked, can start fires at the cost of the item itself like Fire Charges. These items can then be used on most light-able TFC devices (firepit, forge, etc.).
tfc:extinguisher Items which can be used on a fire pit to put out the fire.
tfc:log_pile_logs Items which are able to be placed into a log pile.
tfc:pit_kiln_straw Items which are valid for the eight straw layers of a pit kiln.
tfc:pit_kiln_logs Items which are valid for the eight log layers of a pit kiln.
tfc:can_be_lit_on_torch Items which, when right clicked on a lit torch, can be lit into a torch themselves.
tfc:firepit_fuel Items that are valid Fuels for the Firepit.
tfc:forge_fuel Items that are valid Fuels for the Charcoal Forge.
tfc:blast_furnace_fuel Items that are valid Fuels for the Blast Furnace.
tfc:handstone Items that are valid hand stones for a Quern.
tfc:scrapable Items that can be placed flat on a block, with a valid Scraping Recipe.
tfc:knives Items that are knives
tfc:hoes Items that are hoes
tfc:hammers Items that are hammers
tfc:chisels Items that are chisels. Required for chiseling functionality.
tfc:flux Items that are usable as the catalyst ingredient for welding.
tfc:tuyeres Items that can go in the Blast Furnace`s tuyere slot.
tfc:rock_knapping Items that can be right clicked to knap, with a valid Rock Knapping Recipe.
tfc:clay_knapping Items that can be right clicked to knap, with a valid Clay Knapping Recipe.
tfc:fire_clay_knapping Items that can be right clicked to knap, with a valid Fire Clay Knapping Recipe.
tfc:leather_knapping Items that can be right clicked to knap, with a valid Leather Knapping Recipe.
tfc:axes_that_log Tools that can be used to fell entire trees, via TFC`s tree chopping functionality.
tfc:bush_cutting_tools Tools that can be right-clicked on berry bushes to get cuttings from them.
tfc:compost_greens Items that are considered green items by the composter.
tfc:compost_browns Items that are considered brown items by the composter.
tfc:compost_poisons Items that poison compost, making it unusable.
tfc:usable_on_tool_rack Tools that can be placed onto a tool rack.
tfc:usable_in_powder_keg Items that are considered gunpowder for purposes of the powderkeg.
tfc:soup_bowls Items that can be transformed into soup. Typically bowls.
tfc:salad_bowls Items that can be clicked to make salad.
tfc:usable_in_salad Items that are allowed in a salad.
tfc:scribing_ink Items that are allowed in the ink slot of a scribing table.
tfc:sandwich_bread Items that are considered bread for the purposes of sandwiches. These items are weighted slightly differently in the bread nutrition calculation and also have a specific place in the bread crafting recipe.
tfc:small_fishing_bait Items that can be used as bait to catch small fish.
tfc:large_fishing_bait Items that can be used as bait to catch large fish.
tfc:holds_small_fishing_bait Fishing rods that can hold only small fishing bait.
tfc:holds_large_fishing_bait Fishing rods that can hold small or large fishing bait.
tfc:can_be_salted Items that can be crafted with salt.
tfc:pileable_ingots Items that can be added to ingot piles. In order to add another item to an ingot pile, it must (1) be in this tag, (2) have a metal defined with the ingot field matching said item, and (3) likely needs a properly loaded metal texture.
tfc:pileable_sheets Items that can be added to sheet piles. In order to add another item to an sheet pile, it must (1) be in this tag, (2) have a metal defined with the sheet field matching said item, and (3) likely needs a properly loaded metal texture.
tfc:fox_spawns_with Items that a fox has a small chance of spawning with in its mouth.
tfc:mob_feet_armor Armor that monsters can spawn with on their feet.
tfc:mob_leg_armor Armor that monsters can spawn with on their legs.
tfc:mob_chest_armor Armor that monsters can spawn with on their chest.
tfc:mob_head_armor Armor that monsters can spawn with on their head.
tfc:mob_mainhand_weapons Items that monsters can spawn with in their main hand.
tfc:mob_offhand_weapons Items that monsters can spawn with in their off hand.
tfc:deals_slashing_damage Weapons that deal slashing damage.
tfc:deals_piercing_damage Weapons that deal piercing damage.
tfc:deals_crushing_damage Weapons that deal crushing damage.

Entity Tags

Tag Id Function
tfc:turtle_friends Entities that turtles do not fear and will follow around curiously.
tfc:spawns_on_cold_blocks Entities that can spawn on snow or ice.
tfc:destroys_floating_plants Entities that destroy floating plants on contact. Essentially, boats.
tfc:bubble_column_immune Entities which TFC bubble columns do not move
tfc:needs_large_fishing_bait Entities that need large fishing bait to catch.
tfc:hunts_land_prey Entities that are feared by land prey. Note that this tag does NOT add hunting functionality to an arbitrary entity.
tfc:hunted_by_land_predators Entities that land predators will attempt to hunt.
tfc:vanilla_monsters Monsters that are prevented from spawning on the surface.
tfc:deals_slashing_damage Entities that deal slashing damage.
tfc:deals_piercing_damage Entities that deal piercing damage.
tfc:deals_crushing_damage Entities that deal crushing damage.